The cost of accessing data is significantly ______ either bookkeeping or comparison costs.
a) less than b) equal to c) greater than d) proportional
a) less than b) equal to c) greater than d) proportional
a) duplicate copies b) different copies c) negative copies d) none of the above
a) Sequential b) random c) alternate d) all of the above
a) unstable b) primary key c) structs d) foreign key
a) lakhs b) millions c) billions d) tons
a) relation b) fast c) slow d) efficient
a) Transaction file b) new master record c) old master file d) transaction record
a) data b) information c) key values d) foreign key
a) CD drive b) Printer c) Mouse d) Hard disk
a) Standard font b) Software c) Character encoding system d) Keyboard layout
a) Obj b) Exe c) Flv d) None of the above
a) Obj b) Exe c) Flv d) None of the above
a) Partitions b) Structures c) Trees d) None of the above
a) Divide-and-conquer b) Backtracking c) Heuristic approach d) Greedy approach
a) Dynamic programming b) Backtracking c) Divide-and-conquer d) Greedy method
a) Heap sort b) Quick sort c) Merge sort d) Radix sort