First implementation of merge sort was on the ENIAC in the year _______.
a)Â 1942 b) 1949 c) 1945 d) 1944
a)Â 1942 b) 1949 c) 1945 d) 1944
a) Partially stable b) Unstable c) Equal d) Stable
a) Least significant digits b) Most significant digits c) Least common digits d) Most common digits
a) Weighted graph b) Generalization c) Serialization d) Normalization
a) Sorting b) Radix sort c) Bucket sort d) Bubble sort
 a) Non-linear sort b) List c) Bucket sort d) Set
 a) Simple algorithm which require the order of n2 comparisons to sort n items. b) Sophisticated algorithm that require the O(n log 2n) comparisons to sort items c) Both of the above d) None of the above
a)Â Heap sort b) Bubble sort c) Linear sort d) Radix-sort
a)Â Heap b) Stack c) Queue d) Buffer area
a)Â O(n) b) O(n2) c) O(n log n) d) O(log n)
a)Â Processor and memory b) Complexity and capacity c) Time and space d) Data and space
a) Divide and conquer b) Partition c) Marking d) None
a) binary trees b) binary search trees c) heaps d) binary heaps
a) Bubble sort b) Insertion sort c) Quick sort d) None of the above
a) There must be mechanism to delete and/or insert elements in list b) the list must be sorted c) there should be the direct access to the middle element in any sublist d) none of the aboveÂ