Course Name – Learn to Program The Fundamentals
Platform – Coursera
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Here we will provide answers to all the Weeks ( 1-7 ), Final, and Assignments of the “Learn to Program The Fundamentals” course of the Coursera platform.
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Learn to Program The Fundamentals | Week(1-7) & Final | Coursera Answers
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Assignment 1: Time Zones
def seconds_difference(time_1, time_2): """ (number, number) -> number Return the number of seconds later that a time in seconds time_2 is than a time in seconds time_1. >>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 3600.0) 1800.0 >>> seconds_difference(3600.0, 1800.0) -1800.0 >>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 2160.0) 360.0 >>> seconds_difference(1800.0, 1800.0) 0.0 """ return time_2 - time_1 def hours_difference(time_1, time_2): """ (number, number) -> float Return the number of hours later that a time in seconds time_2 is than a time in seconds time_1. >>> hours_difference(1800.0, 3600.0) 0.5 >>> hours_difference(3600.0, 1800.0) -0.5 >>> hours_difference(1800.0, 2160.0) 0.1 >>> hours_difference(1800.0, 1800.0) 0.0 """ return ((time_2 - time_1) / 60) / 60 def to_float_hours(hours, minutes, seconds): """ (int, int, int) -> float Return the total number of hours in the specified number of hours, minutes, and seconds. Precondition: 0 <= minutes < 60 and 0 <= seconds < 60 >>> to_float_hours(0, 15, 0) 0.25 >>> to_float_hours(2, 45, 9) 2.7525 >>> to_float_hours(1, 0, 36) 1.01 """ return hours + (minutes / 60) + (seconds / 60 / 60) def to_24_hour_clock(hours): """ (number) -> number hours is a number of hours since midnight. Return the hour as seen on a 24-hour clock. Precondition: hours >= 0 >>> to_24_hour_clock(24) 0 >>> to_24_hour_clock(48) 0 >>> to_24_hour_clock(25) 1 >>> to_24_hour_clock(4) 4 >>> to_24_hour_clock(28.5) 4.5 """ return hours % 24 ### Write your get_hours function definition here: def get_hours(seconds): """ (number) -> number Return the number of hours equivelant to seconds. >>> get_hours(3800) 1 >>> get_hours(7600) 2 >>> get_hours(2400) 0 >>> get_hours(3600) 1 """ return to_24_hour_clock(seconds // 3600) ### Write your get_minutes function definition here: def get_minutes(seconds): """ (number) -> number Return the remainder of seconds remaining and convert to minutes. >>> get_minutes(3800) 3 >>> get_minutes(7600) 6 >>> get_minutes(3600) 0 """ return (seconds % 3600) // 60 ### Write your get_seconds function definition here: def get_seconds(seconds): """ (number) -> number Return the remainder of seconds remaining and convert to minutes. >>> get_seconds(3800) 20 >>> get_seconds(7600) 40 >>> get_seconds(3600) 0 """ return (seconds % 3600) % 60 def time_to_utc(utc_offset, time): """ (number, float) -> float Return time at UTC+0, where utc_offset is the number of hours away from UTC+0. >>> time_to_utc(+0, 12.0) 12.0 >>> time_to_utc(+1, 12.0) 11.0 >>> time_to_utc(-1, 12.0) 13.0 >>> time_to_utc(-11, 18.0) 5.0 >>> time_to_utc(-1, 0.0) 1.0 >>> time_to_utc(-1, 23.0) 0.0 >>> time_to_utc(-1, .5) 23.5 """ return to_24_hour_clock(time - utc_offset) def time_from_utc(utc_offset, time): """ (number, float) -> float Return UTC time in time zone utc_offset. >>> time_from_utc(+0, 12.0) 12.0 >>> time_from_utc(+1, 12.0) 13.0 >>> time_from_utc(-1, 12.0) 11.0 >>> time_from_utc(+6, 6.0) 12.0 >>> time_from_utc(-7, 6.0) 23.0 >>> time_from_utc(-1, 0.0) 23.0 >>> time_from_utc(-1, 23.0) 22.0 >>> time_from_utc(+1, 23.0) 0.0 >>> time_to_utc(-1, .5) 1.5 """ return to_24_hour_clock(time + (utc_offset))
Assignment 2:DNA Processing
def get_length(dna): ''' (str) -> int Return the length of the DNA sequence dna. >>> get_length('ATCGAT') 6 >>> get_length('ATCG') 4 ''' return len(dna) def is_longer(dna1, dna2): ''' (str, str) -> bool Return True if and only if DNA sequence dna1 is longer than DNA sequence dna2. >>> is_longer('ATCG', 'AT') True >>> is_longer('ATCG', 'ATCGGA') False ''' return dna1 > dna2 def count_nucleotides(dna, nucleotide): ''' (str, str) -> int Return the number of occurrences of nucleotide in the DNA sequence dna. >>> count_nucleotides('ATCGGC', 'G') 2 >>> count_nucleotides('ATCTA', 'G') 0 ''' return dna.count(nucleotide) def contains_sequence(dna1, dna2): ''' (str, str) -> bool Return True if and only if DNA sequence dna2 occurs in the DNA sequence dna1. >>> contains_sequence('ATCGGC', 'GG') True >>> contains_sequence('ATCGGC', 'GT') False ''' return dna2 in dna1 def is_valid_sequence(dna): '''(str) -> bool Return true if and only if the DNA sequence is valid. The sequence must only contain the characters 'A', 'T', 'C', and 'G'. Lower case characters are not valid. >>> is_valid_sequence('ATCG') True >>> is_valid_sequence('AAGCTT') True >>> is_valid_sequence('ATcG') False >>> is_valid_sequence('CTGAX') False ''' num_nucleotides = True for char in dna: if char in 'BDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz': num_nucleotides = False return num_nucleotides def insert_sequence(dna1, dna2, num): '''(str, str, int) -> str Return the DNA sequence obtained by inserting dna2 into dna1 at the given index of num. >>> insert_sequence('CCGG', 'AT', 2) 'CCATGG' >>> insert_sequence('ATCTAGCC', 'CAT', 5) 'ATCTACATGCC' >>>insert_sequence('ATGGC', 'TA', 1) 'ATATGGC' ''' return dna1[:num] + dna2 + dna1[num:] def get_complement(nucleotide): '''(str) -> str Return the nucletides complement. Precondition A complements T, C compliments G >>> get_complement('A') 'T' >>> get_complement('C') 'G' >>> get_complement('T') 'A' ''' if nucleotide == 'A': return 'T' elif nucleotide == 'T': return 'A' elif nucleotide == 'C': return 'G' elif nucleotide == 'G': return 'C' def get_complementary_sequence(dna): '''(str) -> str Return the DNA sequence that is complimentary to the given DNA sequence. Precondition A complements T, C complements G >>> get_complementary_sequence('AT') 'TA' >>> get_complementary_sequence('TAGC') 'ATCG' >>> get_complementary_sequence('ATCGA') 'TAGCT' ''' dna_complement = '' for char in dna: if char in 'ATCG': dna_complement = dna_complement + get_complement(char) return dna_complement
Assignment 3
"""A board is a list of list of str. For example, the board ANTT XSOB is represented as the list [['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']] A word list is a list of str. For example, the list of words ANT BOX SOB TO is represented as the list ['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO'] """ def is_valid_word(wordlist, word): """ (list of str, str) -> bool Return True if and only if word is an element of wordlist. >>> is_valid_word(['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO'], 'TO') True """ i = 0 while i < len(wordlist): return word in wordlist i = i + 1 def make_str_from_row(board, row_index): """ (list of list of str, int) -> str Return the characters from the row of the board with index row_index as a single string. >>> make_str_from_row([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 0) 'ANTT' """ word = '' i = row_index for char in board[i]: word = word + char return word def make_str_from_column(board, column_index): """ (list of list of str, int) -> str Return the characters from the column of the board with index column_index as a single string. >>> make_str_from_column([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 1) 'NS' """ word = '' i = column_index for char in board: word = word + (char[i]) return word def board_contains_word_in_row(board, word): """ (list of list of str, str) -> bool Return True if and only if one or more of the rows of the board contains word. Precondition: board has at least one row and one column, and word is a valid word. >>> board_contains_word_in_row([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'SOB') True """ for row_index in range(len(board)): if word in make_str_from_row(board, row_index): return True return False def board_contains_word_in_column(board, word): """ (list of list of str, str) -> bool Return True if and only if one or more of the columns of the board contains word. Precondition: board has at least one row and one column, and word is a valid word. >>> board_contains_word_in_column([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'NO') False """ i = 0 while i < len(board[0]): if word in make_str_from_column(board, i): return True i = i + 1 return False def board_contains_word(board, word): """ (list of list of str, str) -> bool Return True if and only if word appears in board. Precondition: board has at least one row and one column. >>> board_contains_word([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], 'ANT') True """ a = board_contains_word_in_row(board, word) b = board_contains_word_in_column(board, word) if a or b: return True return False def word_score(word): """ (str) -> int Return the point value the word earns. Word length: < 3: 0 points 3-6: 1 point per character for all characters in word 7-9: 2 points per character for all characters in word 10+: 3 points per character for all characters in word >>> word_score('DRUDGERY') 16 """ score = len(word) if score < 3: return score*0 elif score >=3 and score <=6: return score*1 elif score >=7 and score <=9: return score*2 elif score >=10: return score*3 return score def update_score(player_info, word): """ ([str, int] list, str) -> NoneType player_info is a list with the player's name and score. Update player_info by adding the point value word earns to the player's score. >>> update_score(['Jonathan', 4], 'ANT') """ current_point = player_info.pop(1) point = current_point + word_score(word) player_info.append(point) def num_words_on_board(board, words): """ (list of list of str, list of str) -> int Return how many words appear on board. >>> num_words_on_board([['A', 'N', 'T', 'T'], ['X', 'S', 'O', 'B']], ['ANT', 'BOX', 'SOB', 'TO']) 3 """ count = 0 for word in words: if board_contains_word(board, word): count = count + 1 return count def read_words(words_file): """ (file open for reading) -> list of str Return a list of all words (with newlines removed) from open file words_file. Precondition: Each line of the file contains a word in uppercase characters from the standard English alphabet. """ lists = [] for line in words_file: word = '' for char in line: if char != '\n': word = word + char lists.append(word) return lists def read_board(board_file): """ (file open for reading) -> list of list of str Return a board read from open file board_file. The board file will contain one row of the board per line. Newlines are not included in the board. """ lists = [] for line in board_file: #Append characters into sublist sub = [] for char in line: if char != '\n': sub.append(char) if sub != []: lists. append(sub) return lists
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